Moxy is one of the premade characters for the Hypatia one shot adventure. They are a level 3 gnomish wizard.
To call you a gifted child would be an incredible understatement. Your bright mind let you progress through your studies at a phenomenal pace, as facilitated by the culture of your inventive people. Your emotional maturity, however, didn’t quite keep pace. Boredom and impatience soon became a strong rebellious streak against most any authority and conventions, though this did not impede your brilliant academic career.
Your interest in the revolution came relatively late, but now you have thrown yourself fully into it, keen on blowing up the system both metaphorically and quite literally.
Personality Traits: I question everything and everyone, following my own compass when a decision must be made.
Ideals: Permanent Revolution. Oppression of all kind must be constantly challenged, and authority always.
Bonds: My fellow revolutionaries, in particular those who share the vision of ever more radical change.
Flaws: “Doesn’t get along wellvwith others.” “Not a team player.” That kind of nonsense.